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JZero Content Cloud FAQs

Please click on any of the “Sign up for free” buttons to take the free Starter Edition. Alternatively, visit the Pricing page where you can choose any of the plans we have.
This simply means that whenever a user first launches a new course, they will consume a license. They can then launch that course as many times as they wish as the license is only used on first launch/registration. So for example, if you had 5 users who all launched 10 courses each, then you will have consumed 50 licenses or if you have 1 user who launches 3 new courses, then that is 3 licenses.
Absolutely not! You only pay for a license when a user first launches a course. Once that license has been consumed, the user can launch the course at any time afterwards without there being any additional costs.
Yes, this is done in a couple of ways. Firstly, you can downgrade your plan to a lower tier which means you will have less licenses available per month from that point forwards. Also, you can upgrade your plan or simply allow the plan to roll into the next tier automatically as your license usage grows.
The Trial Plan lasts forever as long as you stay within the 10 licenses and 200MB content storage limits.
You can pay for your plan using a Credit Card or via PayPal. We also offer an invoice option where you can pay in advance. Please contact us to discuss using the invoice method.
An Accelerated SCORM Package is simply the metadata of your course which can be imported into an LMS. It contains all of the information that is needed to set up a course in the LMS, but the physical course files are not supplied as these remain on the JZero Content Cloud. It provides new levels of control not seen in a traditional LMS.
This is entirely dependent on how your LMS course import process works. But just think of an Accelerated SCORM Package being the same as a SCORM package and use the same process you would for that.
Yes, you can indeed. JZero Content Cloud allows you to create as many libraries of content as you need, so that you can segregate your courses as you require. There is no additional charge for having multiple libraries.